I guess it was in high school that I got sick of history. Finding out about the “Magna Carta,” studying about the pilgrims or touching on the “Code of Hammurabi” seemed a waste of time. Not any more as I am now old enough to understand how each of those helped form the path which we are now, once again, trying to find. In America, our Constitution relates somewhat to those ancient documents while also incorporating what was laid down in the Bible.
Now I am seeing relationships or what we might call, the phonetic genetics, that brought us to where we are. Our Constitution, and those who wrote it are, and is, in and of itself, an historical document which surpasses the “Code” and the “Carta.” In that it does not speak of cutting off hands for stealing or lopping off heads for murder.
Civilization is what history brought us which also took us away and out of tribalism. Today, we see some aspects of tribalism being touted again as a good thing. It is not. It is a warring thing in small scale and a path to fighting over land and mores. We don’t want to go back there as it took much death to achieve being civilized.
Then again, the Bible tells us that even our civilization is second fiddle to God’s plan for us. All is so interwoven that it begs to be read and studied to better understand how difficult and how much we each depend on one another. That, in its basic form, is what civilization allowed. One of us to depend on another of us. Our minds, however, are separate and apart now which is what politics will do, given the chance. Yet, we survive and thrive due to being civilized. It’s interesting stuff.
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